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This serie of blog posts explains how retailers can use AI-based decision intelligence platforms to optimize their ad spend by collecting and analyzing data, predicting outcomes, and recommending actions. By following best practices and real-world examples, retailers can improve their ROI, reduce wasted ad spend, and make smarter decisions about their marketing budget.

In today's hyper-competitive retail environment, marketing success often depends on making the right decisions about ad spend. But with so many channels, platforms, and metrics to consider, it can be challenging for retailers to know where to allocate their budget for maximum impact. That's where AI-based decision intelligence platforms come in.

By analyzing data from a variety of sources, including social media, website traffic, and sales data, these platforms can help retailers predict outcomes, recommend actions, and optimize their ad spend in real time. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of using AI-based decision intelligence to make data-driven decisions about ad spend, and provide a step-by-step guide to implementing these platforms effectively. We'll also share some real-world examples of retailers who have successfully used decision intelligence to improve their marketing performance.

Chapter 2 - How an AI-based decision intelligence platform works

An AI-based decision intelligence platform consists of several components that work together to provide a comprehensive solution for ad spend optimization. These components include data integration, data cleaning and validation, machine learning algorithms, predictive models, and decision automation.

Data integration

Data integration is the process of collecting and combining data from various sources, such as social media, website analytics, customer databases, and marketing platforms. Verteego's decision intelligence platform uses advanced data integration techniques to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the data, making sure that it is clean and free of errors.

Predictive algorithms

Once the data is integrated, the platform uses machine learning algorithms to analyze the data and identify trends and patterns. These algorithms can handle large volumes of data and can uncover insights that may not be immediately obvious to human analysts.

Using predictive models, the platform can make predictions about future trends and outcomes, such as which advertising channels are likely to generate the most revenue or which products are most likely to sell. These predictions help retailers to make informed decisions about where to allocate their ad spend.

The predictive model in an AI-based decision intelligence platform is a crucial component that helps retailers to anticipate various scenarios and make informed decisions. Using machine learning algorithms, the platform can generate millions of scenarios based on historical data, current trends, and other relevant factors. These scenarios can then be analyzed and compared to determine which ones are most likely to lead to a positive outcome.

Decision-making algorithms

Once the scenarios have been generated, the platform uses optimization algorithms to automatically select the best ones. These algorithms use a range of criteria, such as budget constraints, revenue targets, and other business objectives, to identify the scenarios that are most likely to achieve the desired outcome. By automating this process, the platform can save retailers time and resources while ensuring that their ad spend is optimized for maximum impact. With the help of AI-based decision intelligence, retailers can take a proactive approach to ad spend optimization and achieve better results than with traditional methods.

Output integration

Finally, decision automation is used to integrate the output of the platform into existing systems, such as ad management platforms or BI tools, to ensure that the recommended actions are implemented automatically. This saves time and resources and helps retailers to make the most of their ad spend.

Overall, an AI-based decision intelligence platform can help retailers collect and analyze data from various sources, identify trends and patterns, make predictions, and optimize their ad spend. By providing a data-driven approach to ad spend optimization, these platforms can help retailers to make better decisions, increase their ROI, and achieve their marketing goals.

Now that we've explored how an AI-based decision intelligence platform works, let's dive into the best practices for using this technology to optimize ad spend.

Continue reading: Chapter 3 - Best practices for using an AI-based decision intelligence platform to optimize ad spend

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